Forum destination and Travel

did you think? Like all tourists to prepare your holiday, you go to buy a guide BOOK  like "Lonely Planet", "The Lonely Planet" ... or other ...! But have you thought that the 6.2 million tourists who visit Bali every year, have done the same? ... You will have many chances to end up at the same places (hotels, attractions etc ...) as a host having read the same advice !! ... Nice change of scene when you spend your evenings with tourists  from different countries.
Discovery !? : Anyone can make you "show" Bali or Indonesia. A car and a full tank of gas are sufficient to stroll! ...

Forums judge us .., We judge the Forums!

Why Forums?
Today Forums "Destination & Travel" flourish on the Internet. The reason is very simple, it is a boon to their owners (shareholders) who use to drive traffic to sell advertising. More traffic, more money!
During the first creations, this left a "good feeling" to allow travelers to share their journeys, experiences, advice ...! Today the traveler has become a Mouse Clicks generator that provides substantial revenue to the sites without realizing it!

Behind nicknames Forums?
Nicknames are used to write whatever we want with impunity. We hide! We can lie, revenge, massacring freely ...! The moderator is (or not) because the law makes obligation, but what it may, it behind his computer, which never went to Indonesia? But without nickname, to identity (face) discovery, there would be less traffic means less profits! So hiding:

- A very honest people who come to share their experience without judging it, but just informing, advising ... not! What makes all the difference!

- People who, having stayed 15 days in Bali, think know everything and who themselves unscrupulous advisor will firmly convinced of possessing the truth! They are not bad but can be dangerous for the preparation of your trip. Indeed, everyone has their own style of vacation vacationer and his own character! Perhaps you will go next to discoveries where they have not experienced?

You may have noticed a few people who, at least about (for Bali, for example), are eager to meet and discuss. To believe they do not work and that it is their only pre-occupation to spend x hours a day to watch a topic on which they want to intervene absolutely often with about worthy of a Bachelor of teacher-Bali!
This is typically "Me, I know!" Their overweening ego (or distress) enables them, in fact, through Existing Forums! Finally someone reads and listens! .... A detour in a specialist Freud would doubtless saving!

- Others who derive a small profit by being commissioned by the agencies they recommend! Yep ... no perks!

Conclusion :
Forums are very useful to the extent where their stakeholders share without judgment be persuaded to hold Truth!
It's like alcohol in moderation ....!
.... And remember it is YOUR Holidays YOU live ... so prepare them without being influenced (s) by Unknown (s)!

we preferred to stay Artisans of Tourism in Indonesia ...

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