ASITA ( Association of The Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies )
Nunung Rusmiati Chairperson of ASITA DPP Dr. Nunung Rusmiati, M.Sc, is confirmed to be officially the Chairperson of the ASITA DPP for the period 2019-2024.
Yes, this beautiful woman was chosen in the ASITA General Assembly in Jakarta on Thursday (2/28/2018). Rusmiati, as she is usually called, said that as the new Chair of ASITA, the vision is to realize a business climate conducive to the growth and development of professional travel services businesses that are competitive in both domestic and international markets. "While my mission as Chairperson of ASITA is threefold, namely increasing the role of tourism business actors in supporting tourism development as one of the drivers of the country's economy, increasing synergy with various stakeholders both in the tourism industry and other related industries as well as regulators to create a business environment which is conducive and beneficial to all parties, and increases the solidity of members in fighting for and protecting the interests of members in developing their business in a conducive, professional, ethical and sustainable business venture, "he explained.
The woman who was born in Jakarta, January 25, 1965 ago revealed that there were 10 work programs for her as the new ASITA Chairperson, namely improving the secretariat, providing periodic financial reports, improving the ability of online systems that are competitive, building multiple systems in web sites and e-mail, summarizing issues from ASITA members throughout Indonesia, such as airline ticket prices, reduced commissions, paid baggage, etc., increasing cooperation and synergy with other tourism associations, proving and continuing good relations with ASITA organizations with the Ministry of Tourism, resolving issues with the Minister of Finance and BPK, increasing lobbying with the DPR, and in one year there was an ASITA Fair event.
Asita / Asociation of the Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies (ASITA)
Alamat: Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 15, Jakarta Selatan
Telepon: 021-75900095
Fax: 021-75900094
Alamat: Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 15, Jakarta Selatan
Telepon: 021-75900095
Fax: 021-75900094
Asita will encourage the implementation of tourism markets
(travel mart) in these areas. By organizing tourism markets in the region is
expected to grow back in the excitement of the tourism activities and develop
the potential of tourism in destinations.
Nationally Asita would make Indonesian Domestic Travel Fair
which will specifically promote tourism products in the country. Travel Fair
will be held by combining the event the B-to-C and B-to-B. Sellers come from
all over Indonesia and the buyers will come from Indonesia and from abroad.
Buyers from abroad will be endeavored come from countries given BVKS
facilities, particularly countries with tourist numbers are still small or has
never come.
To organize Indonesia's Domestic Travel Fair, will hold TTC
Asita, a company based networking destination in the country that has hosted
events travel mart in various areas since 2005.
The Deputy Secretary General of the ASITA DPP Bahriyansyah sent the results of the improvement in the composition of the management and based on the Decree of the Chairperson of the ASITA DPP signed by N. Rusmiati, the complete composition of the ASITA DPP was as follows:
Chairperson, Dr. N. Rusmiati, M.Sc (PT. Patih Indo Permai)
Deputy Chairperson 1, Budijanto Ardiansjah (PT. Duta Cemerlang Indonesia) Deputy Chairperson
2, Solahudin Nasution (Cipta tour & Travel Medan) Deputy Chairperson
3, H.Arifudinsyah. SH CN (PT. Panglima Express Surabaya East Java)
Secretary General, Dr. (cand) Titus Indrajaya, SE. MM. (PT. Berlian Tour)
Deputy Secretary General, Bahriyansyah (PT. Beeholiday Mitra Wisata), Ayu Berliner Hugua B. Com (PT. Patua Insani Sapulo)
General Treasurer, Feby Yoland Effendy, SIP, M.Sc (PT. Cindo Citra Tour Travel)
Deputy General Treasurer, Ahmad Sugiyono (PT. Gema Haromas Buana), Leni Hartono SE., MA., Akt (PT. Ratu Expressindo), Sellywati (PT. Adiwati Travel Bureau) Fields:
Coordinator of Organization: Agus Rejeki Wartono, SE (Amira Travel & Tour)
Deputy Coordinator for Organization: Sumedi Soemargo (PT. Intan Cempaka T&T), Sigit Permono (PT. Artha Mas Unggul Sejahtera), M.Natsir (PT. Cakrawala Wisata)
Coordinator for Funds & Finance: Hj. Linda Nofijani, SE (PT. Linda Jaya) Deputy Coordinator for Funding & Finance: Ilma Nur Solihah (PT. Harmoni Persada)
Coordinator of Kelemb. & Government: Adi Susanto (PT. Adiyatama Lampung Travelindo)
Deputy Coordinator for Organisation & Government: Didi Leonardo Manaba (PT. Iramasuka Tours & Travel)
Foreign Promotion & Marketing Coordinator: Reza Novaldi (PT. Tama Putera Wisata)
Foreign Promotion & Marketing Coordinator: Reza Novaldi (PT. Tama Putera Wisata)
Foreign Coordinator for Promotion & Marketing: Bagus Surya Darma (Nusa Dua Bali Tours & Travel)
Outboundond Business Administration Coordinator: Marten Chandra (PT. Gorontalo Travel Express)
Deputy Coordinator for Outbound Tour Business Administration: Erty (CV. Bandar Anugrah Mandiri Cemerlang), Maryani (PT. Travel Kita Bersama)
Inbound Tour Administration Coordinator: H. Ian Hanafiah (PT. Ero Tour)
Deputy Coordinator for Inbound Tour Administration: Daniel Guna Nugraha. S.IP (PT. Eksotik Jawa Wisata), Karmila Santy (PT. Sashi Anugrah Raya), Ade Rosmala Dewi, SH (PT. Aquavita Jaya),
Ticketing Business Coordinator: Hery Setyawan (PT. Total Nusa Indonesia)
Deputy Coordinator for Ticketing Business Administration: Gunadi Djaja Saputra (PT. Bilqis Anjani Ada Tourism), Novi Nugraha S.IP., M.H. (PT. Citos Travel Connection)
Hajj & Hajj Business Administration Coordinator: Rustam Sumarna (PT. Citraceria Usaha Khalifah)
Deputy Coordinator for Umrah & Hajj Business Administration: Siti Aisyah (PT. Cahaya Mega Angkasa Tour & Travel)
Legal & Advocacy Coordinator: Syarifuddin Tangalindo (PT. Wahana Wisata Borneo) Deputy Coordinator for Law & Advocacy: Imam Mahmudi. SH, S.Ag, MM.MH (PT. Daru Purwita Nusa)
Coordinator for Human Resources & Research and Development: Dr. (cand) Hj. Masrura Ramidjal SE, MBA MSc (PT. Rabbani Semesta Utama)
Deputy Coordinator for Human Resources & Research and Development: Bhayu Rhama (PT. Barama Intercity Treducasindo), Hairani Tarigan, SE.MM (PT. Kembang Wisata Persada Tour & Travel) MICE Development Coordinator: Monica Herlina (PT. TrendMICE) Deputy Coordinator for MICE Development: Oki Kurniawan (PT. Tavelmato Karya Wisata)
The Deputy Secretary General of the ASITA DPP Bahriyansyah sent the results of the improvement in the composition of the management and based on the Decree of the Chairperson of the ASITA DPP signed by N. Rusmiati, the complete composition of the ASITA DPP was as follows:
Chairperson, Dr. N. Rusmiati, M.Sc (PT. Patih Indo Permai)
Deputy Chairperson 1, Budijanto Ardiansjah (PT. Duta Cemerlang Indonesia) Deputy Chairperson
2, Solahudin Nasution (Cipta tour & Travel Medan) Deputy Chairperson
3, H.Arifudinsyah. SH CN (PT. Panglima Express Surabaya East Java)
Secretary General, Dr. (cand) Titus Indrajaya, SE. MM. (PT. Berlian Tour)
Deputy Secretary General, Bahriyansyah (PT. Beeholiday Mitra Wisata), Ayu Berliner Hugua B. Com (PT. Patua Insani Sapulo)
General Treasurer, Feby Yoland Effendy, SIP, M.Sc (PT. Cindo Citra Tour Travel)
Deputy General Treasurer, Ahmad Sugiyono (PT. Gema Haromas Buana), Leni Hartono SE., MA., Akt (PT. Ratu Expressindo), Sellywati (PT. Adiwati Travel Bureau) Fields:
Coordinator of Organization: Agus Rejeki Wartono, SE (Amira Travel & Tour)
Deputy Coordinator for Organization: Sumedi Soemargo (PT. Intan Cempaka T&T), Sigit Permono (PT. Artha Mas Unggul Sejahtera), M.Natsir (PT. Cakrawala Wisata)
Coordinator for Funds & Finance: Hj. Linda Nofijani, SE (PT. Linda Jaya) Deputy Coordinator for Funding & Finance: Ilma Nur Solihah (PT. Harmoni Persada)
Coordinator of Kelemb. & Government: Adi Susanto (PT. Adiyatama Lampung Travelindo)
Deputy Coordinator for Organisation & Government: Didi Leonardo Manaba (PT. Iramasuka Tours & Travel)
Foreign Promotion & Marketing Coordinator: Reza Novaldi (PT. Tama Putera Wisata)
Foreign Promotion & Marketing Coordinator: Reza Novaldi (PT. Tama Putera Wisata)
Foreign Coordinator for Promotion & Marketing: Bagus Surya Darma (Nusa Dua Bali Tours & Travel)
Outboundond Business Administration Coordinator: Marten Chandra (PT. Gorontalo Travel Express)
Deputy Coordinator for Outbound Tour Business Administration: Erty (CV. Bandar Anugrah Mandiri Cemerlang), Maryani (PT. Travel Kita Bersama)
Inbound Tour Administration Coordinator: H. Ian Hanafiah (PT. Ero Tour)
Deputy Coordinator for Inbound Tour Administration: Daniel Guna Nugraha. S.IP (PT. Eksotik Jawa Wisata), Karmila Santy (PT. Sashi Anugrah Raya), Ade Rosmala Dewi, SH (PT. Aquavita Jaya),
Ticketing Business Coordinator: Hery Setyawan (PT. Total Nusa Indonesia)
Deputy Coordinator for Ticketing Business Administration: Gunadi Djaja Saputra (PT. Bilqis Anjani Ada Tourism), Novi Nugraha S.IP., M.H. (PT. Citos Travel Connection)
Hajj & Hajj Business Administration Coordinator: Rustam Sumarna (PT. Citraceria Usaha Khalifah)
Deputy Coordinator for Umrah & Hajj Business Administration: Siti Aisyah (PT. Cahaya Mega Angkasa Tour & Travel)
Legal & Advocacy Coordinator: Syarifuddin Tangalindo (PT. Wahana Wisata Borneo) Deputy Coordinator for Law & Advocacy: Imam Mahmudi. SH, S.Ag, MM.MH (PT. Daru Purwita Nusa)
Coordinator for Human Resources & Research and Development: Dr. (cand) Hj. Masrura Ramidjal SE, MBA MSc (PT. Rabbani Semesta Utama)
Deputy Coordinator for Human Resources & Research and Development: Bhayu Rhama (PT. Barama Intercity Treducasindo), Hairani Tarigan, SE.MM (PT. Kembang Wisata Persada Tour & Travel) MICE Development Coordinator: Monica Herlina (PT. TrendMICE) Deputy Coordinator for MICE Development: Oki Kurniawan (PT. Tavelmato Karya Wisata)
Association of the Indonesian Tours And Travel Agencies ( ASITA ) is the Association of Indonesian Travel Company . ASITA established in Jakarta on January 7, 1971 and today , ASITA national level is based in Jakarta . ASITA itself has 31 Regional Leadership Council ( DPD ) spread throughout Indonesia, one of Bali which was founded in 1974 .
Sekretariat DPP ASITA Sekretariat DPP ASITA
Komp. Golden Plaza Blok A30 Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 15 Jakarta
T. +62 21 75900094/95 F. +62 21 7507537
BLK. a, No. 30, Ruko D'Best Fatmawati, JL. RS. Fatmawati No. 15, Gandaria Selatan , 12420 Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Telepon: (021) 75900094
office open : 09.00 am –17.00 Pm
Jl. Raya Puputan No. 41, Renon Denpasar 80235
P. +62 361 243205, +62 361 243225 F. +62 361 244263
Jl. T.Nyak Arief No. 42
d/a Ce'Man Tour Lamnyong Banda Aceh 0651 755 2410
Mobile: 0823 6736 4999, 0813 6006 0999 H. Anwar Fuadi
DPD ASITA North Sumatera
PT. Cipta T&T, Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 14 D, Medan 20157
061 425 9664
Mobile: 0852 7772 2278, 0852 9670 8444
061 451 3801
Solahuddin Nasution, SE, sek-Exc : Mr. Budi
DPD ASITA West Sumatera
JL. Beringin Raya No 29
Lolong Belanti - Padang
Mobile:0823 8828 3983, 0812 6725 0000.
Ian Hanafiah, sek-Exc : Miss. Novia
DPD ASITA Bengkulu
Hotel Rio Asri
Jl. Veteran No.63 Bengkulu
0736 345 000
Mobile: 0811 736 700
0736 25728;
Kurnia Lesandri Adnan
DPD ASITA Island of Riau
Komersial Area Panbil Blok B No. 3A Muka Kuning
Pulau Batam Kepulauan Riau
0778 371542
Mobile: 0812 700 0055
0778 371542
Kadek Sutraini, sek-Exc : Mrs. Nina
PT. Muhibbah Mulia Wisata Tour & Travel
Jl. Kartini No 1 Pekanbaru Riau
0761 859691
Mobile: 0812 6878 1313
0761 859693
Ibnu Mas'ud, sek-DPD: Mr. Junaidi
Jl. Mayor Abdul Kartawirana No. 35 A
Jambi 36144
0741 24851, 24862
Mobile: 0821 7667 2237
0741 24851;
Ali Rachman Siwon
DPD ASITA Bandar Lampung
JL. Hasanudin No. 20 Teluk Betung
Bandar Lampung
0721 482325, 473319
Mobile: 0811 793 799
0721 255363
Julian Manaf
DPD ASITA South Sumatera
Jl. Demang Lebar Daun No. 9 - 10
Palembang 30137
0711 443099
Mobile: 0816 386 261, 0811 785 111
0711 314098
Plt Ketua: Anton Wahyudi, Sek: Febby Yolanda
DPD ASITA Bangka - Belitung
Jl. Koba Graha Asri C.
Pangkal Pinang Bangka
0717 422999, 95999
Mobile: 0812 717 9888
0717 423000, 95261
Yuna Ekowati Lukman, Cp : Mr. Sansan
Ruko Modernland Br No. 3
Jl. Sudirman Tangerang 15117
021 5578 1710 - 11, 7084 5366
Mobile: 0812 8130 5366
021 5578 1712
Pjs Ketua: Ng. Bana Sembiring
Wisma Nugra Santana Lt. 4
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 7-8 Jakarta 10220
021 5711706, 5700455, 5706969 ext 0401
Mobile: 0816 877 583
021 - 5711703
Hasiyanna S. Ashadi, sek-Exc : Mrs. Mala
Jl. Tamblong No. 8
Bandung 40112
022 426 4334
Mobile: 0811 228 702
022 420 4256,,
H. Herman Rukmanadi, sek-Exc: Mrs. Dewi
DPD ASITA Central Jawa
PT. Mega Wisata
Jl. Intraprasta No. 15 Semarang
024 358 4141, 844 2468
Mobile: 0818 290 578
024 358 8759, 845 2105
Joko Suratno, Sek-DPD: Mr. Siswanto
DPD ASITA D.I. Yogyakarta
Jl. Ganesha II No.I A, Muja-muju
Yogyakarta 55165
0274 551 601, 551 602
Mobile: 0812 294 2245
0274 551 602
Edwin Ismedi Himna, sek-Exc: Mrs. Siwi
Grahasita Komp. Perkantoran, Manyar Megah Indah Plaza, Jl. Ngagel Jaya Selatan, (ex Kebon Bibit) Blok E No. 14, Surabaya 60284
031 502 6755, 502 8979
Mobile: 0812 300 7868
031 504 3452
Arifudinsyah, SH, sek-Exc: Mrs. Nanik
DPD ASITA South Kalimantan
PT. Gemilang Travel
Jl. Pangeran Samudera No. 101 Lt. II Banjarmasin
0511 734 3433, 753 0010
Mobile: 0815 213 5559
0511 327 4567 ;
Drs. Addy CH. Hanafiah, sek-DPD: Mrs. Rita
DPD ASITA Central Kalimantan
PT. Barama Intercity
Jl. Diponegoro No. 2 Palangkarya 73111
0536 323 9999
Mobile: 0811 283 720
0536 324 2141,
Bhayu Rama
DPD ASITA West Kalimantan
Jl. Imam Bonjol Gg. H. Mursyid No. 24A Pontianak
0561 769 381
Mobile: 0811 577 345
0561 769 381
Hefni AS, sek-Ecx: Mr. Feri
DPD ASITA East Kalimantan
PT. Bintang Mega Wisata Jl. MT. Haryono No. 75 RT 100 Balikpapan - Kalimantan Timur
0542 5610955, 7206480, 7206554
Mobile: 0812 555 7496
0542 7206480
H. Eddy Yusuf Assainar, sek-Exc : Miss. Tyara
Gedung Dinas Pariwisata
Jl. Raya Puputan No. 41 Renon, Denpasar 80235
0361 243 205, 243 225
Mobile: 0812 381 1181
0361 244 263 ;
I Ketut Ardana, SH, sek-Exc: Mrs. Ana
DPD ASITA Nusa Tenggara Barat
Jl. Langko No.65 Mataram
0370 643 411
Mobile: 0811 397 676
0370 643 411
Agus Mulyadi, SE, sek-Exc: Miss. Egha
Board of Directors
ASITA Jakarta Chapter
Hasiyanna S. Ashadi
Asita NTB
Head of Asita West Nusa Tenggara : Dewantoro Umbu Djoka,
Jl. Hos Cokroaminoto No.3, Karang Baru, Selaparang, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Post code 83126
(0370) 643411
DPD ASITA Nusa Tenggara Timur
Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan I No. 50
Kayu Putih Kupang
0380 826 826
Mobile: 0878 6623 7969, 0811 384 123
0380 832 949
I Dewa Made Adnya
DPD ASITA South Sulawesi
Gedung Mulo
Jl. Jend Sudirman 23 Makassar 90133
0411 422 822
Mobile: 0852 3456 2921
0411 424 101 ;
Didi L Manaba, sek-Exc: Mrs. Neni
Head of association Tours and travel agent in South Sulawesi, Mr Didi Leonardo Manaba, the owner of Iramasuka tours and Travel.
DPD ASITA West Sulawesi
Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 109 Mamuju
0426 21378
Mobile: 0813 3204 4333
0426 21184
Urip Damayanto
DPD ASITA Central Sulawesi
Jl. Gajah Mada No. 17 - 18 Palu
0451 411 808, 411 781
Mobile: 0811 451 088
0451 411 808
Deni Chandra
DPD ASITA South East Sulawesi
Hotel Putri, MT. Haryono No.104, Kendari
0401 319 1484, 319 6010
Mobile: 0811 408 771
0401 319 4249 ;
Nurdin Tompo, sek-DPD: Mr. Sungatman
DPD ASITA North Sulawesi
Jl. Piere Tendean (Boulevard) No.98 Manado
0431 852 411
Mobile: 0811 432 300
0431 852 411
Fredy Walandow, SE. MM
DPD ASITA Gorontalo
New Rahmat Hotel
Jl. Alueasabu No. 108 Gorontalo
0435 831 117, 531 118
Mobile: 0811 432 772
0435 829 123, 827 555
Ir. Hamid Kuna
Komplek Pertokoan Amboina No. 05
Jl. Sam Ratulangi Maluku
0911 347 911
Mobile: 0811 478 080
0911 346 411
Walhem Daniel Kurnala
DPD ASITA North Maluku
PT. Langgang Buana T&T
Jl. Kapitan Pattimura No. 63C Ternate
0921 312 3999
Mobile: 0813 4051 2899, 0815 5607 7999
0921 312 6730 ;
Machmud Esa, SE
Gedung KADIN Prov. Papua Lt. Dasar Pusat Pertokoan Permai Ruko Dok II Papua- Jayapura
0967 535 055, 536 459
Mobile: 0811 480 644
0967 536 387 ;
A.U. Sitepu
ASITA – Association of Indonesian Tours and Travel Agencies
Asnawi Bahar
H. Asnawi Bahar
Ketua Umum
Wakil Ketum: Budijanto Ardiansyah
Wakil Ketum: Satrijanto Tirtawisata
Wakil Ketum: Solahuddin Nasution
Wakil Ketum: Arifudinsyah
Wakil Ketum: Bagus Sudibya
Nunung Rusmiati
Sekretaris Jenderal
Wakil Sekjen: Yuliandre Darwis
Wakil Sekjen: Rustam Sumarna
Misto Leo Faisal
M. L. Faisal
Bendahara Umum
Wakil Bendum: H. Ahmad Sugiyono
Roestono Rusmin
Ketua bidang Organisasi
Eddy Sunyoto
Ketua bidang Promosi & Pemasaran LN
Waka PPLN: Reza Novaldi
Panca Hadi Putra
Ketua bidang IT dan R&D
Waka IT dan R&D: Busthama MP Sinaga
Bungsu Achmad Meinur
Ketua bidang Tata Niaga Tour Outbound
Indra Sjahbirin
Ketua bidang Kelembagaan & Pemerintahan
Waka KP: Ophan Lamara
Herry Setyawan
Ketua bidang Tata Niaga Ticketing
Waka TNT: Retno Dewi Suci
Bobby Ardyanto
Ketua bidang Tata Niaga Tour Inbound
Waka TN Tour Inbound: Febriansyah
Tini Prayogi
Ketua bidang Tata Niaga Umroh & Haji
Waka TN Umroh & Haji: Herdiana Suhaeri
Hj. Rina Chas
Ketua bidang Hukum & Advokasi
Waka Hukum & Advokasi: Eddy Putra
Sansan Lukman Arya
Ketua bidang SDM
Waka SDM: Marsianus Raga
Lalu Akram W
Ketua bidang Pengembangan MICE
Mukhlis I Gatot
Ketua bidang Hubungan Masyarakat
Waka Humas: Titus Indrajaya
Jl. RS Fatmawati
No. 15, Jakarta
Tel: 021-75900094
Tel: 021-75900095
Fax: 021-7507537
ASITA (Association of Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies) DKI Jakarta for the first time will hold ASITA JAKARTA TRAVEL MART 2016 (AJTM 2016), on 13-15 September 2016 at Hotel JS Luwansa, Kuningan, Jakarta, said Bahriyansyah, Chairman of the committee, today.
"AJTM 2016 is intended to facilitate a meeting between the travel agent, tour operator areas, hotels and other related industries with ASITA members of Jakarta. The concept is AJTM 2016 business meeting with a round robin system table top, so that the seller and the buyer have the opportunity to interact intensively, "he explained.
AJTM committee in 2016 was accompanied by Chairman of the Council ASITA Jakarta - Hasiyanna S. Ashadi and Chairman of the Committee AJTM 2016 - Bahriyansyah, the opportunity to report the development of these activities to the Deputy Marketing of the Interior Ministry of Tourism - Esthy Reko Astuti, who was accompanied by the Deputy Assistant Business Development and Government Market Segment - Tazbir.
AJTM 2016 will be attended by 150 delegates from throughout the country to act as a seller who will meet with 250 management / decision maker ASITA travel agent members of Jakarta as a buyer
"The day before the implementation of the activity, the participants who came from all over the archipelago will be officially welcomed by Jakarta Provincial Government in the Great Hall Bale, once the night together (welcome dinner). In this event, delegates will AJTM wearing traditional costumes of each region, "said Bahriyansyah.
After the peak of the table top 14 September 2016, the seller outside the region will enjoy treats dances from the Provincial Tourism Office of West Sumatra and East Nusa Tenggara, in the farewell dinner in the Grand Ballroom of Hotel JS Luwansa.
Meanwhile, to introduce tourism in Jakarta, the seller also had the opportunity to follow the post tour to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah. Bahriyansyah said it also had an audience with the Head of Jakarta Tourism - Chess Laswanto, to convey travel mart that the event will become an annual event ASITA Jakarta.
Both the Ministry of Tourism and the Tourism Office of Jakarta welcomes these action plans for this nation-wide event memoertemukan seller and buyer so they can share their experiences in preparation for serving foreign tourists and the archipelago.
"The government hopes that the synergy with the tourism industry is able to follow up the promotional activities undertaken by the Ministry of Tourism today," said Bahriyansyah.
Along with the holding of ASITA's Special National Conference (Munassus III) in Bandung, West Java on July 17-19, 2017, the Soft Launching of the AsitaGo platform has been carried out as one of the official programs of ASITA to provide access to business support technology for its members. Inaugurated by the ASITA Chairperson, Mr. H. Asnawi Bahar along with the board of executives and attended by representatives of 34 DPDs from all provinces in Indonesia, the launch of AsitaGo is expected to be the starting point for digitizing the national tourism industry to be ready to face global competition.
AsitaGo is a distribution network and system for tourism industry products and services that allows ASITA members to be able to access and do business in tourism products and services online. Current products and services that are the scope of AsitaGo include domestic and international airplane tickets, hotel rooms, trains, domestic / international tour packages, hajj / umrah packages, and others. In collaboration with all DPDs, AsitaGo is expected to be accessible to all ASITA members across the country and enrich ASITA members with the ease of information technology to advance the industry and the world of tourism in Indonesia. So what are you waiting for? If you are an ASITA Member, please register your company now. Free without any fees.
Globalization is at our doorstep! A clear signal for ASITA (Association of the Indonesian Tours & Travel Agencies) to alert its members which are service providers to be prepared and ready to face the challenges ahead.
As a Government licensed association ASITA must be proactive and take the lead in this globalization era.
Information technology plays a significant role and has become an important part of to day’s life. For that reason the ASITA Jakarta Chapter proudly presents its website in a unique and improved format.
The program creates awareness to the public of readily available travel products from ASITA members that make it a lot easier in planning future trips.
I would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your kind attention.
Board of Directors
ASITA Jakarta Chapter
Hasiyanna S. Ashadi
This site is always maintained and up to date info
by voyageindo tous and travel service