Voyageindo Wisata Indonesia VWI 003

Day 01 : Airport – Ujung Pandang
Upon arrival at Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar meeting services. Afterwards, direct transfer to hotel. Dinner and overnight in hotel.

Day o2 : Ujung Pandang - Mamasa
After an early breakfast we set out on the scenic drive to Mamasa, passing through Buginese villages with their typical houses. Lunch in Polewali, a small Bugis port town. Mamasa is a cool mountain resort, with numerous hot springs nearby. There are interesting walks among the rolling hills, rice terraces and villages. Dinner and overnight in hotel.

Day 03 : Mamasa Tour
After breakfast, take a full day excursion around Mamasa. We visit the traditional house Rante Buda, Kampong Tawalian, Osanga Village, the tombs from Tedong-Tedong Minanga and the weaving center of Rantesapu Bala. Dinner and overnight in hotel

Day 04 : Mamasa - Toraja
After breakfast, on to Toraja, with lunch in Polewali. We will have a coffee-break at the Puncak Lakawang with its gorgeous mountain views. Arrive at Rantepao late in the afternoon. Dinner and overnight in hotel

Day 05 : Toraja Tour
After breakfast, a full day excursion in Toraja, visiting Suaya cliff graves, then Londa and Kete-Kesu, where we will see traditional Tongkonan houses and rice barns. Lunch in Rantepao. Dinner and overnight in hotel

Day 06 : Toraja Tour
After breakfast, another full day Toraja excursion,visiting Marante, Nanggala, and Palawa, to see fine examples of Torajan architecture. At Sadan, women demonstrate traditional weaving. Lunch en route. Dinner and overnight in hotel

Day 07 : Toraja - Airport
After breakfast, return to Makassar, lunch en route at a seafood restaurant in Pare Pare. Afterwards, directly drive to Hasanuddin Airport for your flight to your next destination

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